Extension of PSBB Transition Period in DKI Jakarta
08 July 2020

With the continuous up rise of Covid-19 cases and no indication of slowing down, Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has announced the extension to the large-scale social restrictions (“PSBB”) transitional period for 14 (fourteen) days. The first phase of transition began from June 5 and was supposed to originally end on July 2, 2020. The purpose of such a transitional phase is to loosen restrictions in order to slowly re-open the economy and begin transitions to what will be known as the “new normal”.


July 2 2020 saw the issuance of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Decree No. 647 of 2020 on the Extension of Enforcement, Phase, and Implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions Activities during the Transition Period Towards Healthy, Safe, and Productive Community (“Decree No.647”) which will be in effect for 14 days from July 3 until July 16.


The PSBB transitional period extension transpired subsequent to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government assessed scores covering three elements namely epidemiology at 75, public health at 53, and public facilities at 83. With DKI’s total score of 71, this suggests that the capital’s status is eligible to maintain the eased restrictions. The scores are formed in the pandemic indicator designed by a team from the University of Indonesia’s Public Health Department, wherein DKI’s score of 71 reaches the bare minimum of 70 for relaxing restrictions. 


Whilst schools will continue to remain closed until further notice, offices and public facilities and activities will be allowed to continue operations subject to effective social and physical distancing maintaining a maximum capacity of 50%. Violations of social distancing rules will result in sanctions as pursuant to Governor of DKI Jakarta Regulation No.41 of 2020 regarding the Imposition of Sanctions on the Violation of implementation of Large-Scale Social Restriction in managing the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) in the Special Province of the Jakarta Capital City. This regulation provides a multitude of sanctions, wherein for example, Section 3 Clause 4 stipulates that anyone who violates the obligation to wear a mask outside of the house or the obligation to limit activities in public places to a maximum of five people is subject to administrative sanctions. These sanctions are (i) administrative written warning; (ii) being required to clean public facilities while wearing a vest; and (iii) administrative fines between IDR 100,000 and IDR 250,000. Sanctions will be imposed by Municipal Police Units (Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja or “Satpol PP”), which may be accompanied by police officers.


The progress in transitioning into the new normal will undeniably take time, and this will require cooperation and attentiveness from citizens in order to ensure physical and social distancing is practiced. The weeks following July 16 will be critical, as this will serve as a clear indication whether the transition towards the new normal was warranted for the recovery of the economy or too much of a gamble for the lives of Indonesians.


If there are any queries with regards to how this may affect your business, please contact us for further legal consultation.


This information does not, and is not intended to, constitute as legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials are for general information only.



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