DKI Jakarta Returns Back to Transition Large-Scale Social Distancing
14 October 2020

After a short one-month emergency return to full Large-Scale Social Distancing in Jakarta (“DKI Jakarta”) as elaborated in our previous article, The Provincial Government of Special Capital Region of Jakarta (Pemerintah Provinsi Daerah Khusus Ibu Kota Jakarta, Pemprov DKI Jakarta”) is now shifting the implementation of Large-Scale Social Distancing (“PSBB”) back into the Transitional Large-Scale Social Distancing (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar Transisi, Transition PSBB Vol.2”) as its strategy to hamper the spread of Covid-19.


According to Anies Baswedan, the Governor of DKI Jakarta, this decision is made based on the fact that the amount of Covid-19 new case has been decreasing for the past couple of weeks and hence, this should be the perfect timing to begin to relax the emergency break gradually and re-enter into the Transitional PSBB with some new rules and arrangements.


The Period of Transitional PSBB is governed under Governor of DKI Jakarta Decree No. 1020 of 2020 on Enforcement on the Implementation on Transition Period of Large-Scale Social Distancing Toward a Healthy, Safe and Productive Society (“Governor Decree 1020/2020”), where the Transitional PSBB will start from 12 October 2020 until 25 October 2020. If there is no significant increase of the Covid-19 cases during this period, the Transitional PSBB will be extended for another 14 days, which will end on 8 November.


Given that the status of large-scale social distancing has now returned into the Transitional PSBB, more activities and business sectors are now allowed to operate with a limitation to 50% of maximum capacity.[1] Those sectors and activities include (i) offices or companies that are not engaged in essential lines of business as stipulated under Governor of DKI Jakarta Regulation No. 88 of 2020 on Amendment on Governor of DKI Jakarta Regulation No. 33 of 2020 on Implementation on Large-Scale Social Distancing in Regards to Handling Corona Virus Disease 2019 in Special Region Capital of Jakarta Province (“Governor Regulation 88/2020”); (ii) shopping malls and traditional markets; (iii) barbershops; (iv) sports buildings with no life audience; (v) religious places; (vi) restaurants (with dine-in facilities); (vii) hotels; and (viii) other tourist attraction places.


Aside from the aforementioned activities and business sectors, there are some other sectors that may operate with limitation capacity other than 50%. For example, offices and companies that are engaged in essential lines of business as stipulated under Governor Regulation 88/2020 may now operate with capacity as necessary (above 50% capacity) and cinemas are now open but with capacity limitation of 25%.



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[1] Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta Regulation No 79 of 2020 on, as amended by Provincial Governor of DKI Jakarta Regulation No 101 of 2020 (“Governor Regulation 80/2020”)