Corona Virus Disease 2019 (“Covid-19”) cases have increased significantly. From the average being 100 new cases per day, to the current average of nearly 3000 new Covid-19 cases per day.[1] Given these circumstances, Anies Baswedan, the Governor of Jakarta has made the decision that in order to further hamper the continuing spread of Covid-19, the city of Jakarta will return back to Large-Scale Social Distancing (“Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar, PSBB”), which has been effective since 14 September 2020.
The enforcement of returning back to PSBB is based on the Governor of DKI Jakarta Regulation No. 88 of 2020 on the Amendment on Governor of DKI Jakarta Regulation No. 33 of 2020 on Implementation on Large-Scale Social Distancing in Regards to Handling Corona Virus Disease 2019 in Special Region Capital of Jakarta Province (“GR 88/2020”). This regulation sets forth the activities permitted and prohibited during this return to PSBB period. Other requirements by law stipulate the mandatory of wearing masks whilst driving vehicles and reinstatement of office to work from home with a maximum capacity of 25%.
Following this regulation, the Governor has also released Governor of DKI Jakarta Decree No. 959 of 2020 on Enforcement on the Implementation on Large-Scale Social Distancing in Regards to Handling Corona Virus Disease 2019 in Special Region Capital of Jakarta Province (“Governor Decree 959/2020”), wherein this decree stipulates the duration for the enforcement of this PSBB.
According to Governor Decree 959/2020, this PSBB period will be enforced for 2 (two) weeks, starting from 14 September until 27 September 2020. In the event that within these 2 weeks there has been no significant decrease in Covid-19 new cases, the PSBB period will be extended for another 2 weeks, thus lasting until 11 October 2020.
It is noteworthy that the current PSBB period has provisions that are different compared with the first PSBB implemented in April until May 2020 and the transitional PSBB that was implemented in June until early September 2020 (“Transitional PSBB”). The details of implementation on this PSBB period are stipulated under GR 88/2020. The amended provisions also specifies sectors that may operate during this PSBB period as well as clear sanctions that will be imposed for individuals and businessmen who violate these.
[1] The Jakarta Post, ‘Indonesia’s latest official COVID-19 figures’, [Online] accessed through <>